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Metrowerks offers live testing lab for wireless development

Mar 4, 2002 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Austin, TX — (press release exerpt) — Metrowerks is now offering the use of live testing facilities to wireless application developers, handset manufacturers and middleware vendors, giving them access to Metrowerks' mobile network, which provides CDMA, GSM (2G), and GPRS (2.5G) services. Metrowerks is the first development tools company to provide a live 2.5G mobile network for wireless applications testing.

Metrowerks has opened two new Wireless Development Centers and sales offices in Basingstoke, England and Stockholm, Sweden. A third center is scheduled to open in Q3 2002 at the company's headquarters in Austin, Texas. The Wireless Development Centers offer developers an opportunity to test their applications, devices or application servers in a controlled environment with a live, real world wireless network connection. Each lab will be equipped with the latest wireless technologies available for development and testing, including wireless devices, messaging, wireless gateways, and application servers.

Wireless Application Gateway (WAP) and middleware vendors can use the centers to make their software available for developers to use and test. Furthermore, the centers provide a venue for wireless developers to meet with Metrowerks wireless experts, who can share their knowledge and expertise to further enhance or create applications for the mobile world.

Metrowerks' tools and services can help wireless developers through the entire development cycle. For instance, a Java application developer could use Metrowerks CodeWarrior for Java, the first development tool to fully support Sun Microsystems' J2ME and PersonalJava standards, to create powerful Java applications for wireless devices, and then to test and debug the applications on a software emulator. The application could then be loaded onto a real target device, such as a mobile phone, and tested using the powerful CodeWarrior on-device remote debugger. Finally, developers can use the Wireless Development Centers to test the application in a real network with a variety of different devices.

The Wireless Development Centers extend Metrowerks' already world-class wireless device support, bringing increased value to software developers using Metrowerks' development tools . . .

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