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Metrowerks to Buy Embedix, Form Linux Solutions Group [SD Times]

Jan 2, 2003 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

This article by SD Times editor Edward J. Correia provides some interesting insight into the recently announced acquisition of Embedix Inc. (aka Lineo) by Motorola software tools subsidiary Metrowerks. Correia writes . . .

“Metrowerks CTO Berardino Baratta . . . said that Embedix was valued not for its work on the Linux kernel, but for its ability to integrate it. 'The tools and the overall solution were most important. [Embedix] made a good decision about a year-and-a-half ago when they realized they were not able to compete in the pure kernel [market] because they didn't have the strength and expertise to do pure kernel work. They had strength at integrating a complete solution.' . . . Baratta said that while Metrowerks plans to supply a kernel in some situations, further kernel development is not a priority . . .”

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