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Momentum builds for Java-based iAppliances [EE Times]

Apr 10, 2002 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

EE Times editor Bernard Cole examines the movement toward Java-based devices. Cole reports . . .

“In recent months, converging market and technical developments have made building Java-based embedded and small footprint iAppliance control devices not only more practical, but a necessity . . .”

” . . . But the momentum may be with a new breed of open source IDEs, such as, promoted by IBM and a number of Linux and RTOS vendors and NetBeans, an open source initiative supported by Sun . . .

“NetBeans runs on Windows, Linux, Solaris Operating Environment, Mac OS X, OS/2, OpenVMS, FreeBSD and any other OS with a J2SE 1.3 (or greater) implementation, whereas the first version of Eclipse works on Windows and Linux . . .”

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