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Monta Vista plays its own game (Upside)

Aug 10, 2000 — by Rick Lehrbaum — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Upside's Sam Williams interviewed Jim Ready, founder and CEO of Hard Hat Linux maker MontaVista Software, and wrote this interesting article about MontaVista's business strategies and future growth plans. Here are some excerpts from Williams' article . . .

“. . .'We're not overly focused on going public,' Ready says. 'We're focused on maximizing the opportunity we see in the market. In our current circumstances we're quite happy being a private company, because it gives us more flexibility' “

“. . . As one of the top companies in one of high tech's fastest growth niches — embedded Linux systems — the company is all but guaranteed a starring or supporting role in the coming consolidation frenzy.”

” . . . 'Different markets have different rules,' Ready says, acknowledging the hyperdrive effect the Internet now has on modern company lifecycles. 'On the other hand, people shouldn't confuse going public with being good for your company. In a lot of ways it's constraining.' ”

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