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News Advisory: Embedded Linux Consortium update

Mar 6, 2000 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

News Advisory: A press release will be issued on Thursday, March 9th regarding the results of the Embedded Linux Consortium (ELC) organizational meeting held at the Embedded Systems Conference in Chicago, IL on March 1, 2000. If you wish to be on distribution for this release, please send an email request to:

Note: Please be sure to indicate in your email which list you want to be on: a prospective member of the ELC, or a member of the press wanting to receive the ELC news announcements.

Also Note: ELC membership applications are now available from Murry (interim ELC manager). If you were not at the organizational meeting and wish to submit an application for membership, please communicate with Murry Shohat at the above email address.

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