Opera rev’s desktop browser
Jun 20, 2006 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — 1 viewsOpera today released the desktop version of Opera 9, for Linux, Windows, Mac, and other platforms. The release supports “Widgets,” among other new features, and offers embedded Linux developers a preview of things to come in the expected Q4 release of Opera 9 for Devices.
(Click for larger view of Opera Widgets)
Like the desktop Opera 9 browser released today, Opera for Devices will support Widgets when it ships in Q4, Opera said last month. Widgets are small, stand-alone applications that are based on web standards, and rendered in “browser” windows without toolbars or other “chrome.”

Opera Widget examples
Other new features in the desktop version of Opera 9 released today include a built-in BitTorrent client, thumbnail preview of tabs, “My Opera” community integration, and a customizable search bar.
An eWEEK podcast hosted by Peter Coffee, and focusing on Opera's long history of browser innovation, as well as specific Opera 9 features, can be found here.
Opera 9 is available now for free download, here. More information about Opera Widgets is available at Opera's Widget site, and in our previous coverage.
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