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PenguinRadio receives strong equity signal

Jul 3, 2000 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

PenguinRadio has received a commitment for a substantial equity investment in connection with a wide-ranging deal to develop next generation Internet audio services and Linux-based Internet appliances.

PenguinRadio, Inc., headquartered in Washington D.C. is a provider of next generation Internet audio services. The company is developing a stand-alone Linux-based Internet appliance which will allow thousands of radio stations that broadcast on the Internet to be delivered directly to a stereo, without the aid of a PC. The company also plans to develop an Internet car radio capable of receiving streaming audio feeds via the forthcoming Ellipso satellite Internet service.

Currently, the PenguinRadio web-portal ( has links to thousands of radio stations and uses the unique WEI numbering system in place of URLs. In addition, (, PenguinRadio's low-resolution text-based Internet audio web-portal is designed specifically for use by mobile phones.

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Coming soon, to a car near you: Linux-based Internet radios
Linux-based PenguinRadio to revolutionize radio?

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