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REDSonic receives $4M equity investment

Nov 1, 2000 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

REDSonic, Inc. (Santa Ana, CA) today announced the close of its first round of funding, totaling $4M. The investment came from technology companies, financial institutions, and venture capitalists in the US, Singapore, and Taiwan. According to Tony Sy, REDSonic Director of Marketing, the funding round was over-subscribed by $0.7M. The proceeds will be invested in R&D as well as in expanding the company's marketing and sales activities.

REDSonic provides a real-time Linux distribution for both embedded and server systems. The company's principal product is REDICE-Linux, which is unique in offering the capability for both RTAI and RED-Linux to run concurrently. According to REDSonic, this allows real-time applications requiring extremely low latency (less than 50 microseconds) to run along side hard real-time user applications — all under the same job priority structure. REDSonic supports REDICE-Linux with a full development tool chain and SDK which includes compilers, debuggers, schedule code generators, a target image builder, and an event viewer. The company's Professional Services Group also provides Linux support, porting, and custom application development to customers in North America and Asia. REDSonic has offices in Orange County, CA and Taipei, Taiwan.

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