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RidgeRun releases Open Source Service Discovery Protocol

Mar 14, 2001 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Boise, ID — (press release excerpt) — RidgeRun, Inc., announced that it has added support for Bluetooth Service Discovery Protocol (SDP) to the OpenBT Linux Bluetooth stack sponsored by Axis Communications. SDP will be incorporated into RidgeRun's upcoming distribution of DSPLinux which is focused on Texas… Instruments' Digital Signal Processors (DSPs).

“SDP allows people with Bluetooth devices to wirelessly connect to nearby services,” said Dan George, RidgeRun VP of product development. “Using SDP, your camera could use Bluetooth to send a picture wirelessly to a nearby digital picture frame, or across the world through a Bluetooth e-mail gateway,” George added.

RidgeRun has created the Bluetooth Piconet Neighborhood application that enables users to find services such as printing, file sharing, e-commerce or e-mail. RidgeRun has released the new SDP application code to the Open Source community as part of the OpenBT project.

A Bluetooth piconet constitutes the units sharing a common channel. Up to eight interconnected devices can be supported on a single piconet, consisting of one master and up to seven slave devices. Bluetooth is the new low-cost, low-power, wireless technology that is designed to eliminate the need for physical cables to connect a wide range of products, including cellular phones, PCs, headphones, audio equipment, and many more. The Bluetooth Special Interest Group, which includes all of the leading players in the telecommunications industry, predicts the Bluetooth market will grow from 11.5 million units shipped in 2000 to 671.8 million in 2005.

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