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SCO and Wincor Nixdorf collaborate on Linux-based retail POS

Jan 13, 2003 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — 4 views

Lindon, UT — (PR excerpt) — The SCO Group today announced plans to work with Wincor Nixdorf to provide Linux-based retail point-of-sale (POS) solutions to retailers in North America. The joint retail solutions will rely on Wincor Nixdorf's BEETLE POS system family and SCO's Linux POS solution, SmallFoot.

With over 600,000 installations, Wincor Nixdorf's BEETLE family is one of the most prolific non-proprietary POS platforms ever sold. Based on an open architecture, the BEETLE family is the first and only complete line of customer-proven, Linux-ready systems in production. SCO's SmallFoot is a unique Linux-based development template and toolkit that provides the key components required for a retail-hardened Linux operating system and goes beyond the facilities of a generic Linux distribution.

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