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Sharp launches enterprise mobile services for Zaurus Linux PDA

Oct 17, 2002 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Las Vegas – Sharp Electronics and Aether Systems launched Sharp Mobile Services' Enterprise version for the Zaurus SL-5500 Linux PDA today at the CTIA Wireless IT & Internet Trade Show, Las Vegas. The support includes email, custom applications, and an integrated wireless data package.

Built on the Aether Fusion technology foundation, the new mobile service provides real-time, wireless access to email, the ability to view and edit document attachments, access to personal information management (PIM) functions, ability to browse the Internet on mobile-enabled websites, and various additional customized applications. Aether and Sharp will provide users with an integrated wireless data package, including application server and support hosting, product fulfillment, customer care, technical support, and 24-hour network operations support.

The enterprise version, which follows the launch of the consumer service earlier this year, integrates with existing enterprise email systems such as Microsoft Exchange and Lotus Domino and offers an end-to-end secure, wireless solution. Other features of the service made possible by Aether's wireless technologies include attachment management, ability to initiate, accept and reject meetings, and the ability to search global contacts.

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