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Streamlined Linux dev model keeps 2.7 kernel months away

Dec 6, 2004 — by Henry Kingman — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

According to an eWEEK story published today, a streamlined new development process continues to bring new technology into the 2.6 Linux kernel, and it could be months before an experimental 2.7 branch is initiated. Linux developers and users alike are pleased with the new system, according to author Peter Galli.

Galli quotes Dan Frye, VP of IBM's Linux Technology Center, who says the focus on 2.6 can help Linux kernel developers achieve a more constant, smoother, and faster cycle, in which new features are tested just once, rather than first in a development environment, and again in the production release.

However, the 2.6-series kernel launched nearly a year ago, and a 2.7 branch will certainly get started eventually, according to Linux creator Linus Torvalds. Find out why, when, and how Torvalds expects to launch the new experimental strain, by reading the full story at eWEEK.

Read full story at eWEEK

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