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Taiwan’s Linux Market Booms (AsiaBizTech)

Aug 3, 2000 — by Rick Lehrbaum — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

This article from AsiaBizTech (Tapei) offers some perspective on the growing market for Linux — and embedded Linux — in Taiwan. The activity is mainly focused on servers, PDAs, information appliances, and other embedded devices. The following are excerpts from the AsiaBizTech article.

“Following Acer's . . . investment in Animeta Systems Inc., Mitac International Corp. announced on July 25 that two professional software companies under the group had been launched in Shanghai and aimed to develop products based on the Linux framework . . .”

“Animeta Chairman Teddy Lu pointed out that [his] company manufactures 'Embedded Linux,' a product which can be applied by its clients to information appliance products and intelligence Web site servers . . .”

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