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uClibc 0.9.11 released

Apr 10, 2002 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Version 0.9.11 of uClibc has been announced by Erik Andersen . . .

CodePoet Consulting is pleased to announce the immediate availability of uClibc 0.9.11. This release is primarily focused on fixing the issues that have turned up since the last release. Several bugs in the gcc wrapper have been fixed, allowing applications such as iproute2 and XFree86 to link properly. Large file support has been improved, and a thread locking bug was fixed that could cause s*printf calls to deadlock when threading was enabled. Several bugs were also fixed with the powerpc, h8300, m68k, sparc, and mips architecture support. Many additional applications now compile and run perfectly, some of which have been added to the working applications list.

To make things more interesting, a gcc-3.0.4 toolchain that natively targets uClibc has also been released. This brings with it full C++ support for uClibc, including the libstdc++ library. A gcc-2.95.x toolchain will be released shortly, but is not yet ready. At this time, only source code and a Makefile for the native uClibc toolchain are being released (i.e. no binaries, sorry). This toolchain is intended for systems with an MMU, and has only been tested on x86 and ARM. MMU-less systems should continue to use the uclinux-elf-tools toolchains.

  • The uClibc 0.9.11 release can be obtained here
  • The Changelog for this release is here.
  • The full Changelog is here.
  • The uClibc web site can be found here.
  • The source code for the gcc-3.0.4/uClibc 0.9.11 toolchain can be obtained here.
The toolchain source code is 27 MB.

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