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Update on Indrema’s Linux-based TV set-top game console

Mar 6, 2001 — by Rick Lehrbaum — from the LinuxDevices Archive — 1 views

Karen McNeil, representing Indrema, has provided some up-to-date status on Indrema's progress in developing its Linux-based TV set-top gaming system and clarifies the degree of compatibility which can be expected between Indrema and desktop Linux OS and games. McNeil's comments were posted to the Indrema discussion thread at the forum . . .

“The Indrema console does not exactly run on Red Hat Linux — that is, it's not the same thing as you would buy off-the-shelf for your PC. It runs on its own distro, called DV Linux, which Indrema developed with Red Hat. DV Linux is basically the standard Red Hat distro, but optimized for gaming and multimedia applications. Because DV Linux *is* slightly different than the PC distros, a PC Linux game won't run on the Indrema box. However, because the two OS's are very similar (~90% overlap), it will be extremely easy to port Linux games to Indrema . . .”

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