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Update on new Linux kernel configuration system [KernelTrap]

Sep 7, 2002 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

This article at provides both an introduction to a new Linux kernel configuration system and an interview with its principal author, Roman Zippel. Jeremy Andrews writes . . .

“Roman Zippel recently released version 0.4 of his new configuration system for the 2.5 Linux kernel, a replacement for the aging CML currently in use. He has attempted to make the transition to this new system much simpler than was the case with CML2 [earlier story] in a hope to have it merged into the 2.5 kernel . . .”

“Jeremy Andrews: Is your plan to get your new kernel configuration tool into the 2.5 kernel?”

“Roman Zippel: Yes, definitely, but people seem to be careful after all the discussions about CML2. I hope I found a good compromise, which makes the switch as painless as possible. It's still a big change, but with the exception of the X interface everything works as before . . .”

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