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Using the CerfCube as an Embedded Linux Server

Jun 4, 2003 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — 2 views

This article from Linux Journal explains how to turn the tiny Intrinsyc CerfCube embedded development platform into an FTP and HTTP server, plus how to install “all the necessary modules for CGI development under Perl.” Quoting from the introduction . . .

“The CerfCube is an embedded system manufactured by Intrinsyc. It is based on an ARM processor, which is the processor used in many PDAs. In this article I first explain how to turn a CerfCube into an FTP and HTTP server. In order to have a complete web server with the ability to run CGIs, we compile Perl and install all the necessary modules for CGI development under Perl. Then I explain how to update the OpenSSH tools in the CerfCube. This implies adding libraries to the cross compilation toolchain, patching source files and configuring the CerfCube . . .”

Read full story at ELJonline

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