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utelnetd 0.1.1 released

May 15, 2002 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — 3 views

A telnet daemon should be the most simple application on earth — but nevertheless, there is no easy-to-use standalone telnetd for embedded systems out there. utelnetd changes this.

Several ports of Björn Wesen's telnetd from the Axis tools have floated around the internet for some time, but all had several problems. Pengutronix has now collected the variants and has made a stand alone utelnet daemon.

Features . . .

  • works without inetd, can be removed on production systems easily due to security reasons
  • multiple terminal problems resolved
  • works with normal /dev and devfs

This port was not tested with uClibc so far (will be done in the future). Dynamically linked against glibc-2.2.5 utelnetd has a size of 12 kB.

Thanks to the authors of the GPL code . . .

  • Bjorn Wesen (Axis Communications AB)
  • Joerg Schmitz-Linneweber (Aston GmbH)
  • Vladimir Oleynik
  • Robert Schwebel (Pengutronix)

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