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ELJonline: WANDER — a Portable Linux Data-Collection System

May 6, 2002 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

In this interesting technical article at ELJonline, Steve Roberts and Ned Konz describe their project to develop a portable data-collection system based on Linux. “WANDER” represents a commercialization of technology derived derived from Roberts' earlier “Microship” project, which Roberts and Konz describe as “a geeked-out, canoe-scale, Linux-based, amphibian pedal/solar/sail trimaran”. The article describes how the Microship's computer systems come ashore, and morph into a rugged, portable, SBC-based data-collection unit. Roberts and Konz write . . .

“One of the most entertaining aspects of spending an otherwise exhausting decade conjuring a geeked-out, canoe-scale, Linux-based, amphibian pedal/solar/sail trimaran, is that every new twist in the project involves steep learning curves and, in many cases, spin-offs. Usually these manifest themselves as publications and other obvious ways of piping ideas back into the Open Source community that has done so much to make the Microship adventure possible, but occasionally something utterly unexpected falls out of the boat lab.”

“The WANDER Project certainly fits this category. A couple of years ago, I was contacted by Dave Hughes of the [National Science Foundation's] Wireless Field Test Project and enjoined to “clone” the Microship core Linux system for use as a ruggedized field data-collection tool. This seemed like an easy and productive technology-transfer project, so I quickly agreed.”

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