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Web server for embedded Linux applications

Mar 9, 2000 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Andover, United Kingdom — 2net Limited has announced availability of their Embedded Control Server for Linux. Unlike mainstream web servers such as Apache, the Embedded Control Server has been designed from the start for embedded systems. At only 70 Kb it is one of the smallest Linux web servers available. More important is the addition of facilities that allow real-time control from any standard web browser. Real-time control is achieved using the innovative Control Variable Protocol (CVP) to send updates to Control Variables in a highly efficient manner.

The package includes a range of Java Control Applets such as push buttons, sliders and gauges that can be simply pasted into a web page to create a virtual control panel. Also included is the Remote Control Centre, which allows engineers to check on the status of the device and upload or download files from anywhere in the world.

“Many developers are beginning to look at Linux for embedded systems,” said Chris Simmonds, Managing Director, “but up to now there has not been a web server with the right characteristics for embedded use. For systems without any kind of display, a web server is a must for control and manageability”.

The Embedded Control Server has been previously available on other operating systems since Q3 1999. Among other applications it is being used to control a sewage treatment works in Canada, for various machine control applications and for remote diagnostics on single board computers.

The 2net Embedded Control Server for Linux is available immediately to OEMs under license.

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