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Whitepaper examines IP routing devices’ data management demands

Mar 11, 2002 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Core Internet bandwidth grows at triple the rate of CPU power, but the promise of high-value applications can only be realized by managing much more data traffic at the network's edge. This requires rapid evolution of the fundamental edge infrastructure device, the IP router. To keep pace, routing table management (RTM) software within routers must respond quickly to changing protocol and provisioning… requirements. But as demands increase, proprietary routing table implementations encounter limitations in scalability, extensibility, and ease of maintenance.

McObject's new white paper The Role of In-Memory Database Systems in Routing Table Management examines using in-memory database systems (IMDS) within RTM software to overcome these barriers. Performance examples on Linux to confirm IMDSs can meet RTM performance requirements. In addition to greater development flexibility, IMDS technology provides built-in data integrity and fault tolerance. The IMDS solution improves infrastructure vendors' competitive position by cutting the time-to-market and development costs of next-generation IP router technology.

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