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Who is Epitera, and what is AbsoluteX?

Oct 2, 2000 — by Rick Lehrbaum — from the LinuxDevices Archive — 10 views

Who is Epitera, and what is AbsoluteX? Visit Epitera's new website, and you'll find the following tantalizing statement:

    Epitera is developing a state of the art easy to use desktop environment for the home market. Our system will include a personal assistant, powerful graphical interface and true Internet orientation.
According to Ami Rosenberg, Epitera's VP of Marketing and Business Development, the company plans to market a set of programs and utilities that turn the elusive goal of a user-friendly end-user Linux experience into a reality. The foundation of those efforts is a new open source GUI toolkit developed by Epitera, called AbsoluteX, which will be demonstrated publicly for the first time at the Atlanta Linux Showcase (ALS) conference being held October 10-14 in Atlanta, GA.

Epitera's website describes AbsoluteX as follows:

  • AbsoluteX is an open source free class library primarily developed for use with X Window System. AbsoluteX uses object-oriented design and free software LGPL licensing. It gives you the ability to develop open software, free software, or even commercial non-free software without costs for licensing or royalties.

  • AbsoluteX is a powerful X-Windows developer toolkit developed by Epitera, to streamline and facilitate the process of developing customized GUIs. AbsoluteX is a standard template library (STL), based on C++, that uses a cutting edge programming language with multiple inheritance methodology and efficient messaging. By using AbsoluteX technology, the developers can quickly and efficiently develop a unique look and feel GUI.
Epitera will make the source code to AbsoluteX available for developer downloads (released under LGPL) at the AbsoluteX website on November 15, 2000.

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