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Why we need Debian

Jul 5, 2000 — by Rick Lehrbaum — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

In this opinion column, ZDNet Linux editor Evan Leibovitch, discusses his belief that Debian provides an important counterbalance to the growing commercial involvement in open source. Leibovitch writes . . .

“Some time back I wrote a piece on what I considered to be needless political correctness behind the use of the term 'GNU/Linux' to describe a Linux system — and backed by the Debian Project. In that piece, I wrote: 'Debian, so far, has been very popular in academia, hobbyist and research circles, but doesn't appear to be a big player in the retail and commercial fields.' “

“. . . Despite [a number of] misperceptions about what I said, I wasn't knocking Debian. Indeed, I believed that Debian was by far the most important Linux distribution. And I still believe that.”

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