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Wipro announces Linux-based Home Gateway software solutions

Mar 14, 2002 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — 1 views

San Francisco; Embedded Systems Conference — (press release excerpt) — the global IT services division of Wipro Technologies today announced the commercial availability of its Home Gateway Software suite. Wipro's Home Gateway Solution, which is currently based on Embedded Linux (using Lineo Embedix), is being demonstrated this week at the Embedded Systems Conference in San Francisco.

Home Gateway devices provide the necessary connectivity features to enable customers to exploit the advantages of a networked home. Wipro's Home Gateway suite of software solutions enables various in-house intelligent devices to be connected to the broadband network. Some of the applications enabled by the Home Gateway device are Virtual Private Network Connectivity, Internet sharing, Video on Demand, IP Telephony and home security and surveillance.

Wipro Home Gateway software suite is a ready to use solution for the Home Gateway device manufacturers and the silicon vendors. It comprises of CommEngine, VoiceEngine and AppEngine software addressing the Communication, Voice Over Broadband and Application Service Delivery Infrastructure needs of the Home Gateway devices. Wipro's software suite is based on open standards and hence is highly interoperable.

Wipro's Home Gateway software is complimented by a suite of standards based hardware and software reusable components like Wireless LAN, Bluetooth, IEEE 1394, USB, and Ethernet to give the customers a vital time to market advantage. Together with these IP building blocks and the rich embedded software expertise, Wipro ensures an end-to-end solution for the Residential Broadband and Home Networking market.

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