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WLAN application development kit comes with embedded Linux

Jun 6, 2003 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

AbsoluteValue Systems (AVS) announced a Linux-based wireless application development platform for developers of access points, residential gateways, Ethernet bridges, and other embedded systems. The platform, which is based on AVS' own “dot11Linux” embedded Linux distribution, provides support for multiple wireless 802.11 standards including 802.11g and 802.11a using Intersil's PRISM GT and Duette… chipsets, respectively, the company said.

The platform is offered with a choice target boards, supporting various processor architectures. The standard system includes a single-board computer (SBC) based on a MIPS CPU, with two miniPCI slots for WLAN adapters or other peripherals. Another option currently available is a 486 architecture SBC, which includes Cardbus and miniPCI interfaces. A PowerPC-based SBC, with a single miniPCI slot, will be added to the mix in the feature.

The embedded Linux software package is provided in source form, along with a full suite of software development tools and documentation, the company said.

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