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10 from IBM — 2.6, Wireless, Java, KDE, Grids . . .

Mar 5, 2004 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

IBM has published the following ten technical articles, tutorials, and downloads on its developerWorks Website. They cover a range of interesting (though not necessarily embedded) technical topics. Some require free registration. Enjoy . . .

  • Give Linux wireless networking a try — These days you cannot talk about computers and networks without thinking of Linux and wireless networking. This article explains wireless networking with WLAN, Bluetooth, GPRS, GSM, and IrDA from a Linux perspective. It uses various wireless devices and the corresponding kernel layers and user space tools to demonstrate how they work with Linux. With this knowlege you can tinker with various wireless devices having different form factors, and develop Linux kernel code required to enable unsupported devices.
  • Kernel 2.6: Linux More Enterprise-Ready Than Ever Before — The 2.6 Linux kernel employs a number of techniques to improve the use of large amounts of memory, making Linux more enterprise-ready than ever before. This article outlines a few of the more important changes, including reverse mapping, the use of larger memory pages, storage of page-table entries in high memory, and greater stability of the memory manager.
  • IBM releases AUIML VisualBuilder an Eclipse-based visual panel editor — The AUIML Toolkit includes the AUIML VisualBuilder, which is an Eclipse-based visual panel editor built on top of the Eclipse Visual Editor Project. The AUIML VisualBuilder allows developers to easily build user interfaces and generate Java data and event-handling code for them. Additional Java code can be written to AUIML's API to control application flow, data validation, and to listen for events.
  • Fixing the Java Memory Model — JSR 133, which has been active for nearly three years, has recently issued its public recommendation on what to do about the Java Memory Model (JMM). Several serious flaws were found in the original JMM, resulting in some surprisingly difficult semantics for concepts that were supposed to be simple, like volatile, final, and synchronized. In this installment of Java theory and practice, the author shows how the semantics of volatile and final will be strengthened in order to fix the JMM. Some of these changes have already been integrated in JDK 1.4; others are slated for inclusion in JDK 1.5.
  • Leverage your .NET smarts to build J2EE apps — This article assist developers of .NET, Windows client/server, and ASP applications make the jump to the Java platform. It provides a high-level guide for .NET developers who want to migrate their e-business applications to J2EE or build J2EE applications from the ground up.
  • Velocity is a legacy-free alternative to JSP — Velocity is a versatile, open source templating solution that can be used standalone in report generation/data transformation applications, or as a view component in MVC model frameworks. This article introduces Velocity and reveals how you can integrate its template-processing capabilities into your own client-side standalone application, server-side Web application, or Web services.
  • Application modeling with WebSphere Studio V5.1 — An application model is analogous to a construction project blueprint, and is an important ingredient in application development. This article shows the steps for developing a Java application based on a Rational Rose class diagram using the Eclipse Modeling Framework, and also shows how to develop the same Java application using the Universal Modeling Language visualization tool.
  • Connect KDE applications using DCOP — Hidden deep within the KDE desktop lies a powerful set of scripting technologies that can allow the power user to automate many tasks. In this article, the author introduces us to these technologies and explains how they can be used to the fullest.
  • Build a grid with Perl, Part 1 — Put your Perl skills to work and learn how to build an image storage grid distributed over a number of machines. The generic resource framework you build can be used for any resource grid system, but the example system will concentrate on storing and manipulating photos and images.
  • Troubleshoot GridFTP — GridFTP was built on top of the popular wu-ftp server with some enhancements for a grid environment, such as certificate-based authentication and parallel and reliable file transfer. This article will
    guide you through the troubleshooting process
    and help you avoid some common problems you will inevitably encounter while using this tool. If you're new to GridFTP, read the article
    “Transferring files with GridFTP”
    for a brief introduction to the enhancements provided by GridFTP in contrast to a standard FTP server.

This article was originally published on and has been donated to the open source community by QuinStreet Inc. Please visit for up-to-date news and articles about Linux and open source.

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