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1GHz PPC-based Linux-compatible SBC targets DoD “smart platforms”

Mar 12, 2003 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Synergy Microsystems announced a PowerPC-based single-board computer that the company says was designed specifically to meet the DoD's emerging “smart platform” requirements.

The Raptor GX SBC is based on a 1 GHz PowerPC G4+ 7455 CPU, and is said to offer high performance X-Windows video graphics support for display on either CRT monitors or flat panels. The SBC's input/output interfaces include video, SCSI, Ethernet, four synchronous and/or asynchronous serial ports, dual-channel IEEE 1394 (FireWire), dual USB, and two on-board, 64-bit/66 MHz PMC sites.

Synergy says its Raptor family SBCs are available in a range of ruggedization levels, meeting up to 10G of random vibration and 30G of shock. The Raptor GX, however, is the first in the family to provide an onboard graphic display.

The new SBC is supported with BSPs (board support packages) for Linux and VxWorks.

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