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Archive for November, 2000

MPEG video support for Linux-based set-top boxes

November 16, 2000

Milpitas, CA — (press release excerpt) — Sigma Designs, a specialist in digital video decoder solutions, announced today that their MPEG technology is a key part of the new National Geode SP1SC10 Set-Top Box reference platform. Sigma is providing their EM8400 MPEG decoder chip and software, which forms the basis for the platform's video delivery from digital TV broadcast, Video-On-Demand streaming, and… (more…)

uClinux does real-time?

November 16, 2000

uClinux can apparently be mixed together with real-time add-ons such as RTLinux and RTAI, as indicated by a message at The message says: “Phil Wilshire has taken Kwonsk's uClinux/RTL patches up to a later revision of uCLinux. This allows users with the newer [uCSimms] (with the network hardware byteswap) to use the RTL patches.” (more…)

Linux-based Bluetooth-enabled cable modem solution

November 16, 2000

Houston, TX — (press release excerpt) — Texas Instruments (TI) has entered into an agreement with Jungo Software Technologies Inc. to support Jungo's Linux residential gateway software on TI's broadband cable modems. The two companies will demonstrate this technology at the upcoming California Cable Television Association's Western Show later this month. (more…)

Linux gains government agency support worldwide

November 16, 2000

eWEEK's Peter Galli reports that government officials throughout the world are increasingly supporting Linux and other open source software. Galli writes . . . (more…)

Axis announces Embedded Linux SOC design contest winners

November 16, 2000

Last month, we reported on the Axis contest for project proposals based on their ETRAX system-on-chip device . . .

    Want to win a free development board with the Axis ETRAX system-on-chip and a full port of embedded Linux? Axis has announced a contest which will award five of their “developer boards” to “the five… (more…)

One-day hands-on Embedded Linux development workshop

November 15, 2000

Sally Bixby of the RTC Group writes . . .

Since the Hands-on Embedded Linux Development Workshop in Westborough, MA (Oct. 27th) was sold out, I lined up a second workshop for December 4th (same place, agenda, etc.). Here are the details: (more…)

Building an Android file browser

November 15, 2000


Contacting . . .

November 15, 2000

As a result of the recent explosion in email spam, has been deluged with unwanted emails. Consequently, we have been compelled to discontinue the practice of providing clickable links for contacting our staff. (more…)


November 15, 2000

Welcome to
. . . your embedded Linux resource

Article: Device profile: Gateway Connected Touch Pad

November 15, 2000

Overview of Gateway's “Connected Home” initiative

Starting in late November, Gateway's new Connected Touch Pad home Internet appliance is slated to make its debut in the US. The new embedded Linux based consumer webpad device is but one aspect of a broad initiative known as the “Gateway Connected Home.” The intent is to provide an easy way interconnect PCs and other devices within the home… (more…)

MaxOS embedded Linux enters beta test phase

November 15, 2000

COMDEX, Las Vegas, NV — (press release excerpt) — Alta Terra Ventures Corp. (Edmonton, Alberta) announced plans to offer an embedded version of its recently released MaxOS Linux desktop operating system. The embedded version of MaxOS Linux is being released this week for beta testing by selected Alta Terra partners. (more…)

Device profile: Gateway Connected Touch Pad

November 15, 2000

Gateway has announced a “Connected Touch Pad” device for home users that will be brought to market in partnership with America Online. The device, which has a 10.4″ color LCD touch-screen display, is one of the first consumer products to be based on Transmeta's new Crusoe processor and will run the Transmeta port of Linux known as “Mobile Linux.” In this Device Profile, Rick Lehrbaum… (more…)

Deja vu? Developers and companies create KDE League

November 15, 2000

COMDEX, Las Vegas, NV — (press release) — Developers of the K Desktop Environment (KDE) today announced the formation of the KDE League, a group of industry leaders and KDE developers focused on facilitating the promotion, distribution and development of KDE. The founding members of the League include leaders from a cross-section of the computer industries: Borland, Caldera, Compaq, Corel,… (more…)

Norwegian firms collaborate on wireless Internet terminal

November 15, 2000

Oslo, NORWAY -- (press release excerpt) — Birdstep and Screen Media have signed an agreement to cooperate on aspects of development of the FreePad, Screen Media's wireless communication device designed for private domestic use. The FreePad will be the size of an A4 page and will give complete access to the Internet, contain a wireless telephone, and, in time, include an electronic diary and provide… (more…)

NeoLinux defines, and targets, “Appliance Computing” market

November 15, 2000

You might call Neoware a company on a mission. One of many companies struggling to carve out a profitable niche for itself in the market of selling Linux-based products, Neoware has tuned its efforts to what CEO Mike Kantrowitz dubs “Appliance Computing.” (more…)