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Archive for February, 2003

3-day course on designing and monitoring real-time software systems

February 6, 2003

(PR excerpt) — TimeSys has opened registration for a three-day course entitled “Real-Time Architecture Assurance through Analysis,” to be held at its Pittsburgh, PA, headquarters on Feb. 18-20, 2003. The course is aimed toward software architects and engineers, project managers, and lead software designers involved in embedded real-time system development. (more…)

Linux-based mobile humanoid robot to debut in Japan

February 6, 2003

[Updated March 30, 2003] — Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd (MHI) unveiled Wakamaru, an experimental Linux-powered robot in Japan on February 4th, according to several stories published this week in the Asian press. (more…)

Japan to invest millions in Linux for consumer devices

February 5, 2003

A news item on's technology website reports that Japan is getting set to begin investing over $8 million (USD) during the next year on projects leading to the development of Linux-based operating system software for consumer devices. According to the story, an official of Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry said the initial funding will take place during the fiscal year beginning… (more…)

Multifunction gateway/router reference design targets “connected home”

February 5, 2003

Royal Philips Electronics has announced a wireless broadband residential gateway reference design for the “connected home” that supports both 802.11b and DECT (Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications) communications standards. (more…)

Embedded and kernel development track at fosdem 2003

February 4, 2003

This year's fosdem (Free and Open Source Software DEvelopers Meeting) conference in Brussels (Feb. 8-9) has added a conference track devoted to embedded and kernel development. The track will cover such topics as open hardware development, embedded Linux, eCos, embedded JVM, embedded tool chains, and other embedded technologies distributed under free licenses. (more…)

Multimodal browser technology to bring XHTML+Voice to devices

February 4, 2003

[Updated Feb. 5, 2003] — (PR excerpt) — The Multimodal Browser and Toolkit from IBM and Opera Software is now available for download from IBM's alphaWorks website. This technology allows the development and execution of multimodal applications written to the W3C Acknowledged Submission called XHTML+Voice (X+V) and can, for example, allow access to Web and voice information from a single mobile… (more…)

MontaVista boasts 2002’s revenue was 200% of 2001’s

February 4, 2003

[Updated Feb. 5, 2003] — MontaVista Software issued a statement today outlining its accomplishments for 2002. Among other successes, the company said it ended its 2002 fiscal year with (unspecified) revenues doubling those of 2001, despite the general economic downturn. (more…)

IBM and VCs form (Linux oriented) “Telecom Venture Coalition”

February 4, 2003

Three prominent venture capital (VC) firms have formed the Telecom Venture Coalition (TVC), a group chartered to help facilitate closer working relationships between IBM and VC-led businesses operating in the global telecommunications market. (more…)

“Red Hat Certified Engineer” goes to college

February 4, 2003

Red Hat is getting ready to release a training package for educational institutions. The package, called “Red Hat Academy,” is meant to enable schools and colleges to teach an academic version of Red Hat's “Red Hat Certified Engineer” (RHCE) training and certification program. (more…)

New Coldfire-based development kit for uClinux apps

February 4, 2003

Viola Systems (Turku, Finland) today announced the release of a new uClinux development kit. Dubbed “the Moose,” the kit includes uClinux, a small Motorola Coldfire-based single-board computer (SBC), sample applications, drivers, a carrier board with power supply and interface connectors, cables, a full uClinux development toolchain, and documentation. (more…)

Port of uClinux to Apple iPod!

February 4, 2003

Bernard Leach reports that he has gotten uClinux running on the Apple iPod . . .

“Features and robustness are limited at this point but it is bootable and has basic framebuffer and audio support. The IDE driver is also suitably working,” according to Leach. (more…)

OMAPI processor standard gains support

February 3, 2003

Texas Instruments (TI) and STMicroelectronics (ST) today simultaneously announced new application processors based on the TI/ST “OMAPI” standard. The new chips target 2.5G and 3G mobile phones, PDAs, and other portable/multimedia products including automotive applications and support operation under embedded Linux (as well as several other embedded OSes). (more…)

Samsung to unveil integrated processor for PDAs and smartphones

February 3, 2003

Samsung will unveil a new 1-chip solution for developers of smartphones and other handheld devices at the GSM World Congress Conference, held in Cannes, France later this month. (more…)

Chorus OS creators unveil real-time, high availability Linux

February 3, 2003

(PR excerpt) — Jaluna SA today announced Jaluna-2, an open source Linux operating system implementation targeting real-time, high-availability, and security-oriented systems. (more…)

Cisco may standardize on MIPS processors running Linux, Apache

February 3, 2003

EE Times reports on efforts by “$18.9 billion communications giant” Cisco to hammer out a 3-year roadmaps for microprocessors, memories, ASICs, and other technology purchases. The roadmap would narrow the field of vendors and component sources, by requiring engineers wanting to use components not on the list to go through special review procedures, and there is talk of moving from Linux/Apache on… (more…)