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Embedded and kernel development track at fosdem 2003

Feb 4, 2003 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

This year's fosdem (Free and Open Source Software DEvelopers Meeting) conference in Brussels (Feb. 8-9) has added a conference track devoted to embedded and kernel development. The track will cover such topics as open hardware development, embedded Linux, eCos, embedded JVM, embedded tool chains, and other embedded technologies distributed under free licenses. The full program and abstracts for the new track can be found here.

Fosdem (Free and Open Source Software DEvelopers Meeting) is a succesful yearly meeting organized since 2001 by volunteers, with entirely free income regarding many aspects of Free (Libre) and Open Source Software development. A yearly tradition is the talk by Richard M Stallman (Free Software Foundation) and John Maddog Hall (Linux International). Tracks cover such topics as
Gnome, KDE, Linux security, Education, Desktop and a number of tutorials. This year an additional track on Embedded & Kernel Development was added for the first time. Attendance of fosdem is typically around 500 persons/day. The location is on the Campus of the Universitee Libre de Bruxelles (ULB).

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