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Archive for March, 2003

Ampro adds Embedded Linux support to x86 SBCs

March 10, 2003

Ampro Computers and TimeSys Corp. announced today that the TimeSys Embedded Linux operating system and software development kit have been certified by TimeSys for use with five additional Ampro single board computer (SBC) products, all based on x86 processors. (more…)

New Euro PDA boasts Linux, GSM/GPRS, GPS

March 10, 2003

Invair Technologies (Stuttgart, Germany) is set to unveil a new Linux-based PDA that includes GSM/GPRS phone functions as well as GPS positioning at the CeBIT 2003 show in Hannover, Germany this week. The device, called the Filewalker Messenger, is the first Linux-based PDA to feature a new dual-core “OMAP” system-on-chip… (more…)

VoIP software to enable real-time multimedia interaction on PDAs

March 10, 2003

Witnet International, Inc. announced plans to commercialize wireless VoIP phone technology for PDAs that will include the capability of real-time multimedia interaction between users during call sessions. The software, called ModaPhone, will support PDAs and other devices that run on embedded Linux or Windows CE operating systems. (more…)

Pushing Apache on Linux to the max

March 10, 2003

Apache is a marvelously customizable daemon. You can tailor this web server software for specific platforms, environments, and performance thresholds. Unfortunately, most administrators run an out-of-the-box installation with few modifications to the default configuration. In this Linux-focused tutorial on IBM's developerWorks website, you learn many suggestions, tips, and tricks for controlling Apache… (more…)

Running real-time Linux on the ETRAX system-on-chip

March 10, 2003

This article is based on a masters thesis project which investigated the possibility of turning Linux into a real-time operating system. The authors primarily focus on available “hard real-time” solutions for Linux, but also look into some “soft real-time” variants for completeness. (more…)

Running real-time Linux on the Axis ETRAX system-on-chip

March 9, 2003


This article is based on a masters thesis written by Martin Andersson and Jens-Henrik Lindskov. The work was carried out at Axis Communications AB during autumn 2002. (more…)

A quick update on Adeos

March 7, 2003 has received the following update on the status of the Adeos project from Philippe Gerum, who implemented Adeos and released it under the GNU GPL in June, 2002 . . . (more…)

New email client and database apps released for the Zaurus PDAs

March 7, 2003 has announced two new software applications for the Sharp Zaurus Linux PDAs. The two new apps, which currently support the Zaurus 5000 and 5500 models, are described as follows . . .

  • tkcCard — a lite weight, easy to use, flexible data management system. (more…)

SCO files “billion dollar lawsuit” against IBM over UNIX, Linux

March 7, 2003

[Updated May 14, 2003 — The SCO Group (SCO) has filed a highly publicized lawsuit against IBM, reportedly valued in the billions of dollars, charging that IBM has misappropriated technology obtained through its license of the Unix operating system to the detriment of SCO, and has tried to destroy the economic value of Unix (also to the detriment of SCO) through its massive support of the open… (more…)

Eric S. Raymond: Open letter SCO IP lawsuit

March 7, 2003

I have been given a copy of an article, supposedly to run in the Wall Street Journal tomorrow, which reports that Caldera Systems (which now does business as the SCO group) has filed suit agaist IBM for multibillion-dollar damages over supposed disclosure of SCO's intellectual property to what SCO calls the “free software community”. (more…)

Bruce Perens: “This is the end of SCO, for sure.”

March 7, 2003

SCO is the thief who puts a gun to his own head and says give me your money or I'll shoot.

I haven't read the filings yet, but it sounds as if SCO's main claim is that IBM (and perhaps others) violated their non-disclosure agreements by allowing employees who had seen the Unix source code to work on Linux. (more…)

Chinese chipmaker readies 64-bit MIPS-like processor

March 6, 2003

EE Times reports that BLX IC Design Corp. is making process on a 500-MHz microprocessor that it plans to market to server manufacturers in China. Known as the “Godson-2,” the new processor is an upgrade to the 266 MHz 32-bit Godson-1, released last year, which was aimed at the embedded market. (more…)

Embedded software market growing despite gloomy economy

March 6, 2003

Market analyst firm Venture Development Corp. (VDC) recently completed a research study on the worldwide market for embedded software which covers embedded operating systems, software development tools, design automation tools, test development tools, and database management solutions for embedded systems. (more…)

Latest PC-on-a-chip ups speed, saves power, supports Linux

March 6, 2003

Taiwan-based Silicon Integrated Systems (SiS) announced the release of its latest PC compatible system-on-chip (SOC) processors today. Compared with earlier devices in the 55x family, the SiS550 LV and SiS552 LV feature higher performance yet lower power consumption, SiS said. Additionally, both new high-integration x86-architecture SOCs support operation under a choice of either Linux or Windows… (more…)

Findings from VDC’s embedded software strategic market research

March 6, 2003

Venture Development Corp. (VDC) recently completed a market analysis study titled The 2002/2003 Embedded Software Strategic Market Intelligence Program: Volume II: Embedded Operating Systems, Software Development Tools, Design Automation Tools, Test Automation Tools, and Database Management Solutions for Embedded Systems. (more…)