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6th RTL Workshop: Hardware Partitioning Algorithm for Reconfigurable Operating System in Embedded S

Nov 2, 1997 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

In focusing the efficacy of reconfigurable computing, one of the important dimensions is the partitioning of the Field Programmable Gate Arrays [FPGAs]. As the amount of reconfigurable resources in a single-chip FPGA is increased tremendously, it allows the change of hardware tasks at run-time. The efficient area utilization of FPGA requires an efficient partitioning algorithm. A reconfigurable operating system is needed in run-time reconfigurable environment to manage the system resources effectively in a multitasking manner.

This paper addresses our work toward an efficient initial and run-time partitioning algorithm for block partitioning of FPGA reconfigurable resources and a new methodology for the real-time scheduling of hardware tasks in block-partitioned FPGA. The partitioned blocks in the FPGA are one-dimensional static blocks with different widths. A novel partitioning and scheduling algorithm for reconfigurable embedded devices is presented together with simulation results.

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