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6th RTL Workshop: Real Time Display in RT Linux using IO channels

Nov 2, 1997 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — 1 views

Real Time applications involve time-critical tasks, which are to be run in a high precision scheduling environment always meeting the timing constraints. Applications which run on RT Linux uses a hard real-time kernel for tasks which needs real-time processing and the Linux OS for other non real-time tasks. These include tasks like networking and display. It uses the display system present in desktop Linux operating system for part of the application involving display. At high throughput rate this leads to synchronization problems between real-time acquisition and display modules as in the case of real-time tracking applications. The Linux scheduler will not handle the data sent at the rate of a real-time task causing buffer overflow and system crash. In this paper a method to synchronize, the display task to the output data rate of the real-time task, using IO watches for the buffered Input/Output channel is discussed.

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