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Adaptec launches open source program/website

Feb 2, 2001 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

New York; LinuxWorld — (press release excerpt) — Adaptec, Inc. today launched a new program to educate and support the Linux community, promote the release of new open-source drivers, and enable developers to create and share new drivers for Adaptec controllers. Adaptec has provided RAID and SCSI driver support to the Linux community for several years, but, for the first time, is now having its RAID… drivers embedded in the Linux kernel, as has been done with its SCSI host adapter drivers since 1998. The company also will be updating its SCSI drivers in the next Linux kernel release

One of the key elements of Adaptec's new Open Source Program is a new website,, where developers can access the latest available Adaptec open source code, RPM packages and TAR files, to modify drivers and create new applications that support other distributions. Developers can also obtain the latest Adaptec-developed Linux and BSD/OS drivers, and use the site as a forum to share ideas and obtain solutions from others within the open source community.

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