Adding security to speed: safeguarding the RTOS [Military and Aerospace]
Aug 30, 2002 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — 1 viewsIn this article at Military & Aerospace Electronics, senior editor John McHale examines the role of memory protection in real-time operating systems, how that impacts security, and the growing role of Linux and open source software. McHale writes . . .
“Military system integrators increasingly demand built-in security to protect their real-time operating systems from information attacks, as the nation becomes more and more security conscious. Meanwhile Linux providers claim their operating system is secure despite its open-source nature . . . “
“Software engineers who design real-time operating systems (RTOSs) say security is the biggest concern among their military customers. Military designers want the protect the RTOSs that run their mission-critical applications against application bugs and information attacks that can eat up system memory and eventually crash the operating system . . . “
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