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Arcom releases Linux quick-start kit for Pentium III embedded SBC

Feb 14, 2003 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

(PR excerpt) — Arcom released another of its embedded Linux application development kits today — this one supporting an installation of Red Hat Linux 8.0, and based on Arcom's Socket370 Celeron/Pentium III EBX form-factor single-board computer (SBC).

Arcom's development kit strategy offers embedded system developers developers a proven installation of the leading desktop and embedded operating systems running on Arcom's embedded hardware platforms. Arcom has selected Linux drivers to obtain the very best performance from the OLYMPUS SBC and to minimize the development cycle. Driver support includes the S3 ProSavage video controller, the onboard 48-bit unique ID, tamper detect capability, and a hardware watchdog timer.

Arcom supplies an original and fully packaged copy of Red Hat Linux 8.0 Personal Edition with each Development Kit. As a result, developers have access to 30 days of on-line technical support from Red Hat along with on-going support from Arcom. Red Hat represents the very best of standard Linux distributions, resulting in a comprehensive installation along with a vast array of development tools and utilities. This also serves as an ideal platform to check out Red Hat Linux 8.0 Professional Edition and the Advanced Server products.

The OLYMPUS Linux Development Kit consists of the OLYMPUS SBC fitted with a 733MHz Intel Celeron CPU (other options available), 256MB SDRAM, 10GB (or larger) 2.5-inch hard drive with Red Hat Linux 8.0 already installed, PSU, serial, and Ethernet cable sets, DVI interface board, Quickstart Manual, and the Development Kit Utility CD. There is also an option for a 6.5-inch NEC VGA TFT color display.

The OLYMPUS is an EBX format (5.75 x 8 in.), Socket370 single board computer which can be fitted with the Intel Celeron and Pentium III processors up to 1GHz (133MHz FSB). The board also offers high performance S3 ProSavage graphics, 10/100baseTx Ethernet, four serial ports, and expansion via a PCI slot, CompactFlash socket, and industry standard PC/104 bus.

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