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Carrier-class Linux, ‘Simplified’

Mar 5, 2002 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Austin, TX — (press release exerpt) — Simplified today announced that it has successfully completed the first customer-site deployment of Red Hat Linux on the Simplified Open Services Platform.

The carrier-class platform has been installed on servers powered by Intel processors to control multivendor switch gear in a retail services and wholesale telecom network environment. The deploymentwas part of an ongoing network expansion plan to enable Phonetime Inc. to better manage its rapidly growing traffic demands.

By taking the Linux approach, Simplified will enable Phonetime to purchase more cost-effective servers powered by dual Intel Pentium III processors to support and control two new Class 4 switches, significantly lowering its hardware costs.

Toronto-based Phonetime expects to lower its business expansion costs by integrating Red Hat Linux with its existing Simplified platform implementation, resulting in a stable and highly scalable hybrid (Unix/Linux) network infrastructure. Moreover, Phonetime has experienced increased reliability and levels of connectivity since first passing traffic over the new installation in January. Phonetime processed an average of 1.1 million minutes of call traffic per day during 2001 and is forecasting significant growth in 2002.

“This illustrates how customers can lower costs by using industry-standard based Intel Architecture servers to handle telecommunications computing tasks that were previously done by more expensive proprietary systems,” said Ton Steenman, director, Embedded Intel Architecture Division. “The price performance advantages of Intel Architecture based modular platforms can help service providers deploy lower-cost solutions for high-performance telephony services.”

“We can point to the efficiency of Simplified's platform as one reason we have managed our growth over the past two years,” said Phonetime President Wayne Silver. “The continued growth of Phonetime has proven the scalability of Simplified's software solution. The have put to rest any doubts we may have had about Linux's ability to scale to the needs of telecom. This has been an easy expansion and a seamless transition for us, making January 2002 our best month ever,” Silver said.

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