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ELJonline: Embedded Linux at Cyclades Corporation

July 1, 2001

Hesitating in switching from your proprietary RTOS to Linux? Don't. (more…)

ELJonline: Embedded Linux on the PowerPC

July 1, 2001

The x86 isn't always the best platform choice. Tim shows us how easy it is to work with embedded Linux on the PPC. (more…)

ELJonline: Automating the Physical World with Linux, Part 2: Expanding Control Automation

July 1, 2001

In this article, Bryce gets us out of the house and into our new resort. (more…)

Article: Honey, I shrunk the Linux system!

June 27, 2001

The onward march of embedded Linux

If you've followed the progress of Linux in embedded systems you've seen it evolve in stages. Originally, it was strictly a desktop operating system, with critics laughing at suggestions that it might be useful in embedded systems. Gradually, it progressed to where those same critics acknowledged its usefulness for certain restricted high-end… (more…)

Opinion: License to FUD (comparing GPL and BSD)

June 19, 2001

In last week's column, I asked why BSD-licensed operating systems didn't seem to be attracting as many corporate supporters and programmers as the GNU GPL-based Linux. (more…)

Article: Whitepaper: Linux’s Future in the Embedded Market

June 15, 2001

The following whitepaper summarizing the results of Venture Development Corporation's recently completed Embedded Linux market study is reproduced here with VDC's permission, as a service to the Embedded Linux community . . . (more…)

Article: Hacking Ellison’s NIC for fun and profit

June 8, 2001

In this article, Embedded developer Jerry Epplin takes The New Internet Computer Company's Linux-based “NIC” Internet appliance for a spin and reports on his impressions. Never content to simply use stuff, Epplin proceeds to hack into the NIC and solve what he considers to be its main problem — the lack of a built-in email client. (more…)

Article: Ripley — a Linux-based wearable computer

June 1, 2001

Where did Ripley come from?

The Ripley wearable computer project was born in 1999 with the purpose of allowing us to liberate ourselves from the desktop computer. (more…)

Article: Guest editorial: Why you should participate in the ELC

May 29, 2001

This call for participation is addressed primarily to individuals, rather than companies — to readers, members of the Embedded Linux Community, students, faculty, and anyone interested in using Linux within Embedded Systems and smart devices. I want to call attention to the exciting opportunity to be actively involved in the important activities of the (more…)

Article: Embedded Linux and Java — made for each other

May 25, 2001

Foreword: This whitepaper discusses the teaming of Linux and Java for embedded applications. It looks at the strengths of each on its individual merit, and explores the benefits of the synergy between them. Additional topics covered include Java's place in the total software stack, platform and processor coverage, available development tools, execution engines, optimization tools, and… (more…)

Opinion: A third way for software development

May 24, 2001

In this guest editorial written for ZDNet, Lineo CEO Bryan Sparks addresses the question, “Is it possible to balance open-source code and intellectual property?” Sparks writes . . . (more…)

Device Profile: Hi-Muse — the ultimate music appliance?

May 22, 2001

Two years ago, French startup Future Sound Technologies (FST) set about creating “the ultimate music appliance” for today's wired music enthusiasts. Founders Martin Guerin and Eric Morisset envisioned a device that would make it easy for people to fully enjoy their favorite online and downloaded titles anytime, anywhere — without the hassles of being tethered to a PC. (more…)

Opinion: Decoding Microsoft’s open source argument

May 21, 2001

Foreword: On May 17, Microsoft Senior Vice-President Craig Mundie submitted a column to ZDNet News decribing why the “commercial software model alone” can sustain the industry's growth. The following guest editorial offers a point-by-point counter-argument from Michael Tiemann, the chief technology officer at Red… (more…)

Free Software Leaders Stand Together

May 15, 2001

This formal response to the recent speech by Microsoft vice president Craig Mundie attacking open source software is signed by some of the biggest names in the free software and open source community. (more…)

Defenestrating Windows (Part 2)

May 9, 2001

Early scorecard

Next, I set about gathering up the various bits and pieces of software necessary to satisfy my check-list of system requirements. (more…)