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CNET: Microsoft takes aim at Linux . . . “server appliances”

Mar 1, 2000 — by Rick Lehrbaum — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Wylie Wong, editor of CNET, writes . . .

“Microsoft took a swipe at the growing Linux movement today as it joined forces with Intel to tackle the emerging market for 'server appliances,' a new category of special-purpose computers.”

“Analysts say Microsoft's move is a counter-attack against the rival Linux operating system, which is making inroads into the growing server appliance market. Market analysis firm Dataquest has predicted Linux will be used in a quarter of server appliances by 2003.”

“'This is to counter Linux's advance in the server appliance space,' said Giga Information Group analyst Stacey Quandt. 'There's a large number of Linux software companies who are targeting the appliance market–and Microsoft wants to compete.'”

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