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Dev kit supports Mot “applications processor” based handhelds

Jun 3, 2003 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Motorola and its Metrowerks tools division co-announced a new development kit bundle intended to enable development of handheld devices based on Motorola's i.MXL family of media-oriented “applications processors.” The kit targets developers of PDAs, smartphones, MP3 players, and GPS systems based on embedded Linux and several other embedded operating systems.

Motorola's MC9328MXL i.MXL applications processor consists of an ARM920T CPU core along with an extensive set of integrated peripherals. On-chip controllers are provided for SDRAM, LCD interface, video port, dual UARTs, dual SPI ports, USB device port, I2C bus, general purpose I/O, and memory card interfaces.

According to Metrowerks, the development kit offering includes a “tightly integrated set of tools,” the i.MXL applications development system target hardware, the CodeWarrior Development Studio for ARM Embedded Systems 1.2, and the i.MXL QuickStart. Also included is access to Motorola's dedicated driver download website for qualified operating system licensees, the companies said.

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