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Device Profile: Rio Central digital audio center

May 10, 2002 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — 1 views founder Rick Lehrbaum profiles yet another leading-edge digital audio device that makes use of Linux as its embedded operating system — the Rio Central digital audio center. SONICblue's Rio Central is a high-fidelity home stereo component that stores up to 650 CDs (or 6,500 individual songs) on its built-in 40GB hard drive. SONICblue describes the Rio Central as being “As simple to use as a CD player, but as smart as a PC” — a Linux-based PC, that is!

The article describes the device and its functions, briefly outlines the system's embedded computer hardware and software, and explores the reasons why SONICblue used Embedded Linux. Photos too!

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