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ELJonline: November 2000 Table of Contents

Nov 2, 2000 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views


Indepth Contests Projects
  • Fun and Fame, by Phil Hughes — Introducing the Embedded Linux Journal Design Project

  • Movie-on-Demand Delivery System, by Phil Hughes — Pay attention; here's the outline for the first Embedded Linux Journal design project.
  • Embedded References, by Clarica Grove — Rip it out, make copies, do whatever you have to–just don't lose it!
New Products
  • Nokia Media Terminal, by Phil Hughes — Take a peek at Nokia's newest offering in home entertainment.

Free Subscription

If you are located in North America, be sure to take advantage of a free subscription to the print version of Embedded Linux Journal (for qualified applicants).

Copyright © 2001 Specialized Systems Consultants, Inc. All rights reserved. Embedded Linux Journal Online is a cooperative project of Embedded Linux Journal and

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