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emWare to demo Linux-based embedded gateways at ESC

Mar 6, 2002 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Salt Lake City, UT — (press release exerpt) — emWare, Inc. will co-exhibit with Extend The Internet (ETI) Alliance members, Motorola and Hitachi at the Embedded Systems Conference in San Francisco next week.

emWare will demonstrate their DeviceGate-E Embedded Gateway products for the x86 and PowerPC. emWare's Linux-based DeviceGate-E products are secure communications gateways that provide wide-area connectivity for an embedded device or device subnet in continuous monitoring, and command and control applications. emWare's Linux distribution includes open source code and support for a wide range of peripheral hardware.

The DeviceGate-E for x86 connects to a local device or device subnet through a serial port (RS232/RS485), and to a wide-area or Internet gateway through a standard Ethernet port or PPP modem dial-up. A Development Kit offers design engineers the development tools, software and guides to quickly realize the power of remote device management using emWare's EMIT device-networking software.

The device for PowerPC runs emWare's Linux-based embedded gateway software on the PowerPC-based Setrix S-3720 hardware platform. The Setrix S-3720 single-board computer is an ideal solution for production-level deployment because of its small footprint (4.5 x 2.5 x 1 in.), low cost and flexible communications options.

ESC attendees can view emWare's DeviceGate-E embedded gateway demonstrations in the Hitachi and Motorola booths.

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