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Existential (embedded Linux) programming

Jan 13, 2003 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — 1 views

Can programming be Existential? These and other questions confront the “Accidental Embedded Programmer” on his continued quest for the “Lost Art of Computer Programming.” Curt, whose day job is all about VxWorks embedded programming, but who increasingly finds himself craving Embedded Linux, embarks on learning about Embedded Linux through books, websites, mailing lists, and by purchasing (and… programming) a small embedded processor board.

Curt shares his impressions of two good books (Embedded Linux, by Craig Hollabaugh; Linux Device Drivers, by Rubini & Corbet), the selected target board (RPX Lite, from Embedded Planet), and what he describes as the “perfect distro for [his] needs” (Embedded Linux Development Kit, from DENX Software).

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