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GNOME version 2.2 is released

Feb 7, 2003 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

(PR excerpt) — The GNOME project has released version 2.2 of the GNOME Desktop and Developer Platform.

Building on the developer platform advances of GNOME 2.0 and extensive work on usability and accessibility, users and administrators on all levels can look forward to a mature, flexible, and powerful user interface, as well as a host of new applications and utilities. Developers can look forward to a more mature application development platform with several new developer programs and the advantages of GNOME's component-based architecture.

The enhanced user interface features a commitment to accessibility and also boasts powerful features such as high-quality smooth text rendering and first class internationalization support, including support for bi-directional text. GNOME 2.2 also brings to the desktop the first appearance of a new multimedia framework, called Gstreamer. Other new features include improved theming, with the addition of icon themes, making the user experience much better and more customizable.

Developers and users wishing to install the GNOME 2.2 Desktop and Developer Platform may freely download the software at The software includes the GNOME 2.2 desktop interface, file manager, menus and utilities, as well as the complete set of development tools and libraries.

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