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GNU Bayonne telephone system at LinuxWorld NYC

Jan 14, 2003 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — 1 views

Bayonne, NJ — (PR excerpt) — Open Source Telecom Corporation will be exhibiting a GNU Bayonne based office telephone system at LinuxWorld 2003
in New York City later this month. This system will be based on the soon to be available 1.2 release of GNU Bayonne and will be demonstrated running on GNU/Linux with VoiceTronix OpenSwitch computer telephony hardware, and with many telephones people can walk… up to and try out, at the VoiceTronix booth.

Many of the latest developments in GNU Bayonne will also be demonstrated. These include the new gui and web based telephony administration tools for GNU Bayonne, as well as features and functionality commonly associated with higher end and historically proprietary interactive voice response (IVR) systems, such as database and web integrated customer relationship management, and text to speech voice synthesis. An early version of GNU Bayonne speech recognition using the CMU sphinx asr system may also be demonstrated.

In addition to the extensive work in supporting development of complete telephone systems, much work has been carried out in revising existing drivers. With the help of Mark Lipscombe, the GNU Bayonne GlobalCall driver has been fixed and is being revised for effective use with high port density DM3 based Intel/Dialogic cards.

GNU Bayonne is currently under a feature freeze, and all project documentation is in the process of being rewritten and updated. A formal 1.2 release candidate is expected to be available sometime in spring 2003.

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