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GNU Common C++ ‘2’ released with Bayonne 1.0 snapshots

Mar 9, 2002 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

An announcement from Dave Sugar, of the GNU Bayonne project . . .

The first snapshot of the GNU Bayonne '1.0' source tree has been made available. This snapshot is meant to help Bayonne developers integrate existing drivers into the new 1.0 driver model and to help move forward testing of what will become GNU Bayonne 1.0. Additionally, GNU Common C++ '2' has been released. The snapshot makes use of GNU Common C++ '2' and libraries have been updated.

The initial GNU Bayonne snapshot is meant for testing and development and is still very much a work in progress. Further snapshots will be made available as deemed appropriate, and should not be confused with the far more frequent “Bayonne-At-Night” nightly builds, which also will continue to be available for those needing to test with the latest development code.

About GNU Common C++ '2'

This is a major improvement over previous releases of GNU Common C++, both in terms of portability and functionality. Essentially GNU Common C++ '2' can be thought of as the introduction of GNU Common C++ '2.0'. GNU Common C++ '2' can be installed alongside the prior release(s) to allow easy application migration. As was done with 'libxml' vs 'libxml2', the base package 'commoncpp2' was renamed to make the process of dual version installation easier.

GNU Common C++ is found at the core of a number of free software projects and GNU packages. Along with the release of GNU Common C++ '2', updated releases of GNU ccAudio, GNU ccRTP, and GNU ccScript are now available. These can be successfully installed alongside previous releases that had depended on GNU Common C++ '1', thereby allowing people to migrate packages to the new releases over time.

A complete test download of the current snapshot and all related library tarballs can be found here. As these are GNU packages, the individual packages and libraries in their updated releases may also be found here or any GNU mirror.

All information about GNU Bayonne may be found at the GNU Bayonne project website.

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