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How to Make Money with Embedded Linux

Apr 27, 2002 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

In this guest column, John Drabik (former VP and CTO for Digital Media at Lineo) shares his ideas on how to successfully develop and market Embedded Linux toolkits and services — and make money. Drabik writes . . .

“Recent events haven't been kind to the embedded world. After the bursting of the dot-com and Linux bubbles, many embedded Linux companies, prematurely expanded to nonprofitable levels by the prior year's venture capital investment excesses, were especially hard hit and went through multiple rounds of layoffs . . .”

“While purists might argue otherwise, the simple truth is that Linux is not 'free'. Whether the associated costs are incurred by hiring a team of Linux-savvy engineers, or in training existing engineers, or in hiring a company to handle the load, the undeniable fact is: anything of value, costs. And Linux is certainly valuable.”

“Several embedded Linux companies have struggled with that point, with varying degrees of success. There are certainly multiple opinions, differing approaches, and numerous opportunities. Hopefully, the outline provided here will help you decide how you can succeed with embedded Linux.”

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