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How will you learn to develop with Linux?

Aug 2, 2000 — by Rick Lehrbaum — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views has initiated the latest in its Embedded Linux Polls series. The new poll will assist Embedded Linux product, service, and training providers in understanding the needs of developers who use Linux in their embedded system projects.

The question posed is: “How will you learn to develop with Linux?” Respondents are asked to select and prioritize their top three preferred… sources of information, from among eleven choices:

  • documentation that comes with the Linux distribution and tools
  • reading the software's source code
  • attending technical conferences
  • resources on the web
  • instructor-led training
  • contracted consultant
  • web-based or computer-based training
  • periodicals
  • books
  • email lists
  • email or phone calls to experts
Options of “other” and “none” are also provided. Please vote here.

The purpose of the Embedded Linux Polls is to develop an improved understanding of the embedded Linux market. The polls highlight specifics of the embedded applications, developer preferences for tools and support, and other aspects of the growing use of Linux in embedded applications. The new poll joins six other ongoing surveys:

Like Linux itself, the data collected in these polls are fully available for all to share. also invites companies and developers in the embedded Linux market to email suggested questions for future Embedded Linux Polls to [email protected].

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