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Inside IBM’s BlueGene/L supercomputer

Dec 3, 2003 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

A team of computer scientists at IBM and the University of California/Lawrence Livermore Labs have used Linux and embedded system-on-chip (SoC) technology to achieve a breakthrough in supercomputer technology expected to radically reduce the size and cost of highly scalable systems, while dramatically increasing performance. A prototype the size of a 30-inch television has already weighed in at number 73 on the Top500 Supercomputer project list, producing two teraFLOPS (trillions of floating point operations per second).

Our look Inside IBM's BlueGene/L supercomputer includes a foreword with further background information, plus a downloadable 22-page whitepaper (PDF format, 320K) written by BlueGene/L team scientists.

Inside IBM's BlueGene/L supercomputer

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